Leo Health Horoscope

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leo health horoscope and astrology prediction for man and women

Free Leo Health forecast : You are likely to have excellent health throughout, with only a few minor illness occasionally. You are quick to recover from any disease, because you have very good recuperative powers.

New Year Free Leo Health Horoscope : Issues with lover or in married life could come up till the 15th March . You should remain cautious about fever etc. Health and stamina could dip after the 16th March . Hurdles in routine matters could rise too during this period. Fatigue level of tiredness could prevail now

Body, soul and spirit breathe with relief, you seem to attract good times while stress overflows from you. You absorb the sun, the light and the heat and you feel good. As of 22.7. until 23.8. really get it going. Now the sun moves through your sign. This is not only the ultimate powerhouse in the zodiac, but it is also your personal ruler of the signs. That means you benefit twice. When the days get shorter again in the fall, slow down. As of 24.10. go through a brief dip and need more rest and plenty of sleep. Let the year end in a relaxed way, after all, you have worked enough in spring and summer.